If you’re trying to get more leads for your site, you’re going need to create an integrated content strategy and develop a variety of compelling calls to action.

You might have seen the first part of the mini-series on the importance of having a strong website if you’re looking put money into the field of content marketing. It’s not worth it investing a lot of money, time, as well as resources in a solid content marketing strategy when the site your traffic is directed to is a mess.

Producing consistently high-quality content and disseminating it via various channels, including social media, can help bring your targeted audience to your site. However, if you don’t give them a positive user experience when they visit your website — and provide them with the opportunity to sign in to find out more about your company -it’s unlikely get them to the next step in to the sale funnel. Also, you won’t increase leads through your site.

How do you make sure your site is a lead-generating machine? This is what I’ve learned.

Five ways to get more leads on your site

1.) Develop a comprehensive strategy for content.

It is imperative of establishing an effective content marketing plan and documenting it and then assigning the person who will be in charge in order for your content marketing strategy to succeed. As part of the strategy, you must describe the role that your website plays in helping convert leads.

You can ask yourself these questions:

  • Do different pages on my site appeal to buyers at different points in their buying process?
  • What is the best place for visitors to be directed from every page (so visitors can move further into to the bottom of my funnel)?
  • What are the calls-to-action I can include on each page to help them with the process?
  • Which pages are ideal for lead conversion and which are the best to provide details?
  • In the event that your employing this concept of topic clusters (which is what you should be! ) Where are my pillar pages as well as the topic cluster pages that correspond?

Make sure that your message is constant across your website as well as the content you regularly publish (like Blog posts).

2.) Take a look at the user and how she/he is interacting with your website.

When you’re developing a holistic strategy for content that encompasses the website you’re considering about how users will interact with your website and every page. This implies organizing your pages in a manner that is beneficial to the potential customer not just internal political.

It sounds simple however I have worked with numerous organizations who find this is extremely difficult. Sometimes, a department (or individual) is convinced that something significant to them merits prominence in the home page or your main menu. However, if the item isn’t something that’s important for a potential customer it’s best to not give in. Conducting a usability test with potential customers is a great method to gather evidence to support your argument.

Additionally, Consider the language that your clients are comfortable using and stay clear of technical or jargonous language. Be sure to lay everything out in a manner that they can understand. Also, try to give them the information they need instead of selling them on each step.

3.) Publishing original, quality content.

Similar to that the most effective way to get the B2B buyer of today to select your company as a supplier is to impress them by providing them with content. Content marketing is about making yourself appear as an industry expert. your business, and, in the end, the company that understands the most about the product or service you offer.

Instead of advertising your company on every website, consider using each page to show off your skills. Develop resources that can help users discover how to resolve their problems. Make sure that everything you write is written well and provides value to potential buyers and is 100% unique. You want readers to be interestedto look over the content you write about.

4.) Strategically put strong call-to-actions that are visible and clear.

I’ve mentioned this issue before, but it requires additional explanation. Make sure that your website has plenty of calls-to-action or links/button/forms that require users to complete a task. What do you expect someone else to take an action (like giving your email address) when you don’t even solicit them to do it?

You can get more leads for your site by asking your visitors to turn into leads more frequently.

Make sure that your calls-to-action are clearly laid out on your page in a way that people’s eyes naturally focus on them. Make sure you are clear on what you’re asking for , and/or what the user will receive for completing the task. Be cautious regarding what you’re asking users to do on the specific page. You won’t have much luck, for example, asking visitors to call a sales rep on a page that is designed to assist them with initial information-gathering.

5) Provide value through your calls to action.

Sometimes, it may take some convincing to persuade visitors to supply their contact details. The most effective way to convince them is to Offer them something they would like in exchange.

We refer to this as high-value content. Examples might include:

  • Case studies
  • White papers and industry reports
  • Webinars
  • Tutorials and how-tos
  • Demonstrations
  • Sneak peeks or previews
  • Ebooks or guides
  • Podcasts

Invite visitors to download your valuable content by filling out a form which requires your email address. Configure the automated marketing system to send your information to the users, and later send them a series nurturing emails to leads at regular intervals to ensure they are moving along to the sale funnel.

If you’re looking to create more leads for your website, you should follow these steps. Most importantly, you must think about the role your site is playing in the lead-generation process. It’s an essential component that many companies overlook.

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