August 2021

Tree Identification for Elm Trees in Richmond

The elm shade tree is shaded by a magnificent canopy. Streets lined with Elm were very common in the 1900s before Dutch elm disease struck many elm trees. Many attempts have been made to restore elms. The Dutch elm disease is not always fatal for all elms. You may already own an elm tree or plan to plant one. How does an ELM tree look? Large deciduous trees such as Elms can grow up to 100 feet tall and span 75 feet. The distinctive, rough bark and pointed, oval leaves of the are what make these leaves stand out. ELM TREE LEAVES Elm trees have oval leaves with pointed tips and jagged edges. A leaf’s lower half is often shorter than its upper half, giving it an oddly lopsided appearance. Each leaf is between 4 and 6 inches in length. Autumn is the time when Elm trees turn a golden brown. This brightens your yard. ELM TREE BOX Elm tree bark is classic. The Elm tree wood is strong and flexible. 3 COMMON TYPES OFF ELM TREES Elm trees thrive in sun or partial shade. AMERICAN ELM TREE Grow ZonesUSDA zones 2 to 9 are the best areas for American Elm trees. It is both the state tree of North Dakota and Massachusetts. Height/spread:The shade tree is tall with a vase-shaped canopy. It can grow to 60-90 feet tall. SunlightThe American Elm Tree likes full sun. Pruning at its best:These trees should not be pruned between April and July as they could attract the Dutch Elm Beetle. Pruning them in winter or early spring is a good idea to avoid the beginning of the growing season. Potential threats:American elms were planted widely in the 19th century. This allowed Dutch elm disease to spread. However, there are many newer cultivars that are resistant to diseases, such as ‘Valley Forge, ‘Princeton, and ‘New Harmony. CHINESE ELM TREE Grow ZonesZones 5-9 are the best areas for the Chinese Elm Tree with its distinctive exfoliating bark, rounded shape and exceptional location. Height/spread:The vase-shaped shape of this tree is similar to American Elm. Although it can grow to 40-50 feet tall, most landscape specimens are between 15-20-20 feet. This Elm species has smaller leaves than American Elm. SunlightThe Chinese elm is fond of full sun. Although it can be adapted to almost any soil type, the Chinese Elm prefers well-drained, moist environments. Pruning at its best:The tree should be pruned in the late dormancy, when it is ready for growth. Potential threats:Wood rot can be a serious problem if these trees are not planted in the right conditions. CEDAR ELM TREE Grow ZonesUSDA zones 6-9 are best for cedar elms. It is not related to cedar trees in any way. However, USDA zones 6 through 9 are preferred by the cedar elm. Height/spread:Cedar elms can reach a height between 50 and 70 feet. This species of Elm is smaller in stature. SunlightThese trees are happy in full sunlight. Pruning at its best:Prune your cedar elm in late spring or early summer. Potential threats:The Dutch elm disease is not as prevalent in cedar elms as in American elms. This tree is tolerant to drought, pollution, poor soil, and other environmental conditions. WHAT IS A DEAD ELM TREE LIKE? Although it is not something you would like to see, you should know what a dead Elm tree looks like so that you can determine if your tree is healthy or unhealthy. Watch out for signs that your elm is suffering from a lack of leaves. Elms may have fewer leaves or branches. Next, look at the bark. Elm trees can split or crack from their bark, or even disappear chunks. There may be fungi visible on the tree’s trunk.

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How Social Media Can Work For You

This one is at the bottom of this list because of a reason. Social media is unlikely to drive a lot of leads for tree service businesses unless you spend money on promoted or sponsored posts. But, you shouldn’t abandon social media completely. Your Facebook page can be a great way to raise awareness about your business in your local community and also provide additional opportunities for your business’s visibility in search results. You can promote your business by posting before and after photos, tips for tree care, or promotions. While a social media presence can be helpful, it is unlikely to bring in a lot of new customers for tree care services.

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How to get Rid of Lacebugs in Richmond, VA

Once they have sprung their summer leaves, your trees and shrubs should be able create a lush and vibrant landscape. Your backyard could look like it’s being attacked or have dark spots on the undersides, Does it penetrate your leaves sucking the sap from them and leaving that mottled, stippled appearance? It could be lacebugs. These tiny insects can be irritating, but there are good things. WHAT ARE LACEBUGS? This pest is very small and can be found in your plants. It might be hard to believe, but what is a lacebug? “ Lace bugs measure one-eighth of an inch in length. It is possible to identify them using a magnifying lens. Their transparent, patterned wings form a lacy shield around the bodies. LACE BUG LIFE CYCLE The life cycle of lace bugs includes three stages. It all begins with lacebug eggs. Female adults place the eggs in the leaves, then cover them with dark excrement. Nymphs or babies become adults in five stages. COMMON LACE BUG SPECIES Lace insects are often host-specific pests. They can only eat one kind of plant. Azalea lace bug infestations are common in the eastern United States, including Maryland, New York, Massachusetts, Virginia, Georgia, and Massachusetts. It can also infest azaleas in California and Florida. The small, dark-colored hawthorn lac bug is smaller than the other lace bugs. Rhododendron-lace bugs are black in color and 3/8 inch long, with gray wings. They love to attack mountain laurel and rhododendron plants in the eastern U.S. Sycamore lacebugs look very much like azalea and the azalea, both in terms of size and color. They will eat oak, hickory, mulberry and sycamore trees. WARNING SIGNS: LACE BUG DAMAGE Lace bug damage is usually seen in the first few days. They are small. The fluid that leaves contain is loved by lace bugs. They love to eat the fluid from leaves and this causes them to appear yellowed or spotted. What attracts lacebugs to your yard? TREES ARE SUSPECTIBLE TO LACEBUGS Lace bugs can infest many deciduous shrubs, trees and shrubs throughout the United States. These are the areas where you’ll see most lacebug damage to trees or shrubs: Azalea Rhododendron Sycamore Ash Hickory Mulberry Hawthorn Mountain laurel Cotoneaster Japanese quince Japanese andromeda (Pieris) Oak Mango HOW TO RID LACE BUGS To get rid of lacebugs, wash the leaves with water. It’s important to recognize and take action against this pest as soon as possible. Azaleas and Japanese andromeda thrive in shade. However, they are more vulnerable to sunburn if they are constantly exposed to direct sunlight. These species should be planted in shade or provided shade.

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Important Things Your Website Must Have

Today’s digital age allows people to search for and find anything and everything online. Your website is an extension of your business. It’s the first impression that prospects have of you. Who you are: WHAT they can do it themselves. Investing in your online tree-care business can help you attract new customers. 97% of people learn more about a local company via the internet. Here are four things to remember when creating a website that customers can trust and relate to. This website is great for tree care businesses. 1. It’s simple and user-friendly navigation Customers won’t be confused. 2. Optimized Service Pages & Blog Articles : Tree care websites need unique pages that offer detailed information such as Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, and Stump Grinding. This is important for two reasons. This clearly describes and identifies the services that you offer in your local area. Search engines can then efficiently find you information for people looking for them. Prospects who are interested in your services have the opportunity to see your capabilities and make a great first impression. Discuss any other tree-care services that you might offer.Be clear about your unique selling point! Blog, blog, blog, and blog again. Your blog page should address common questions your customers are searching for, such as “What are the Signs that a Dead Tree is” and “When can Oak Trees Be Trimmed?” Search engines are able to tell you that you are regularly updating your blog (the process by which you create helpful, brief insights for customers). 3. Refer to these trusted reviews and see examples of your work. In order to generate leads, trust is an essential factor. To showcase your skills, work ethic, and the satisfaction of customers with your work, make sure you have current testimonials/reviews pages. Show your customers the dramatic before-and-after photos. 4. You should highlight the areas that you serve. Make it clear and easily visible on all your websites which cities or counties serve you to ensure the best search results. Include the basics: a responsive website, that is mobile and tablet-friendly, a call number, and a lead page for potential customers to get in touch.

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Why are my trees crumbling?

Why are my trees crumbling? Oregon has many dying and dead trees. Individual trees and groups of trees may be dying. This could indicate that there is a drought problem. ( This overview will provide you with some information about your trees as well as tips on how to keep them healthy. Adequate moisture Trees need enough moisture to enable their defense mechanisms work properly..If trees are exposed to drought, they may not have the resources necessary to resist diseases. The tree-growing season in Oregon is marked by high levels of moisture. The trees then experience prolonged dry periods that cause soil to lose its moisture. Overcrowded trees, marginal soils, hot, dry locations (such as slopes south or west) and trees that are susceptible to disease will eventually be lost to natural selection. Excessive heat Even if the soil is moist, trees can experience drought symptoms. This can cause leaf damage and stress. Many areas in Oregon have experienced temperatures that were higher than normal for longer periods of the past few summers. This has caused leaf loss in hardwoods (broadleaf), and conifer mortality. The decline Many conifer trees that appear to be in decline now actually started their decline over a year earlier..Lack of heat or moisture can cause stress, which in turn leads to reduced resistance and allows for insect invasions on stems and branches. The larvae ate bark and wood, and then laid eggs. Further damage to the trees encouraged further insect invasion. The trees finally gave up and died. Tree death is rarely caused by insects. Once the process is initiated, it can be difficult to reverse. Many conifers die in the spring and summer because of previous damage. The insects simply exploit trees’ weakening conditions. They can’t save them if the root cause isn’t addressed. Forest pests Several common forest pests take advantage of drought/heat-stressed trees. This includes bark beetles, wood borers, beetles, and weevils that infest tree stems and branches, as well as beetles, weevils, and fungi that can cause branch and/or stem cankers. Insects and fungi species are usually specific to the host tree species. Douglas-fir, for example, is unlikely to be attacked if it is infected by ponderosa pine. Bark beetles and borers spend large parts of their lives under stressed or dead trees’ bark. Boring dust can also be seen. One other species might be found in the middle of the stem. Another could be located at the base. Reddening needles indicate that insects can be long gone before you notice them. Bark beetles and borers are difficult to control in forest settings. Bark beetles and borers can be difficult to control in forest settings. These techniques can be used for hardwood trees, but not for conifers. An arborist or landscape professional should have the appropriate training, equipment, and certifications. Thinning Tree stress can be reduced by thinning. This allows trees to get more moisture. If the trees are in good condition, they can be sold or used for firewood. You don’t have to remove all dying or dead trees. You can leave some trees standing as snags or logs to provide wildlife habitat. Even ponderosa Pine is suffering from increased mortality due to western pine beetle (secondary drought/heat) in eastern Oregon. In eastern Oregon, even ponderosa Pine is suffering from increased mortality due to western pine beetle (secondary drought/heat). General advice for keeping trees healthy Use thin to reduce tree-to-tree competition.  Trees that are closer together will be more successful than trees that are farther apart. Trees that grow close together will be more competitive than those that are further apart. It won’t save trees that are already in danger. Manage vegetative competition around young trees. Young trees are vulnerable to herbicides, grasses, and shrub competition. Young trees can be very vulnerable to competition from herbs, shrubs, and grasses. Individual trees can benefit from infrequent, deep watering during dry seasons. Trees that are steep or in competition with other vegetation, such as those with fast draining areas or with steep slopes may need more frequent watering. Use a soakerhose to get the soil saturated. Use a soakerhose to cover the tree about 2/3 of the length of the stem. It is essential that the soil remains dry between waterings. Many trees are unable to tolerate prolonged flooding in their root zone. Mulch is a good option to protect yard trees’ roots and reduce competition. A tree of love or plant favor that is well-suited to the area. You might consider replanting your tree using a different species to suit the soil, temperature, and moisture conditions. You can also let a native tree replace your tree. Things You Need to Know Would you like to sell your conifer stems in You may have noticed sticky “pitch”, which is a stream of water running down the stem of your conifer. This prevents disease-causing organisms from entering trees and also flushes out bark-boring insects. Clear pitch or white pitch are signs that your tree has suffered damage, but is fighting back. If the pitch is darker, it is less likely that it will recover. It’s more than bark beetles or drought. Many pests and diseases can cause tree death. Trees are susceptible to many diseases and pests, including heat, drought, and bark beetles. Insects that eat leaves/needles, or fungal infections by them by fungal bugs Fungal disease in roots or stems Fruit, cones, and buds are at high risk of insect or fungal attack Parasitic plants, such as dwarf or true mistletoe, can invade your garden. Animals such as bear, elk and porcupine, squirrels and beavers can cause damage. See“Want to know more? “Below. Are there any dead branches on your Douglas Firs? Small Douglas-fir trees can suffer from cankers and twig-weevils. These cankers can occur when they are stressed by heat or drought. These cankers appear as sunken, sunken regions of dead tissue around branch collars. Rarely, one of these can cause the tree to be felled. Weevils can be treated with insecticides. However, dead branches should be cut off and burned to expose the living material. The weevil will most often be found under trees’ bark and will try to find the intersection

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