Tree Identification for Elm Trees in Richmond

The elm shade tree is shaded by a magnificent canopy.

Streets lined with Elm were very common in the 1900s before Dutch elm disease struck many elm trees.

Many attempts have been made to restore elms. The Dutch elm disease is not always fatal for all elms.

You may already own an elm tree or plan to plant one.

How does an ELM tree look?

Large deciduous trees such as Elms can grow up to 100 feet tall and span 75 feet.

The distinctive, rough bark and pointed, oval leaves of the are what make these leaves stand out.


Elm trees have oval leaves with pointed tips and jagged edges. A leaf’s lower half is often shorter than its upper half, giving it an oddly lopsided appearance.

Each leaf is between 4 and 6 inches in length.

Autumn is the time when Elm trees turn a golden brown. This brightens your yard.


Elm tree bark is classic.

The Elm tree wood is strong and flexible.


Elm trees thrive in sun or partial shade.


  • Grow ZonesUSDA zones 2 to 9 are the best areas for American Elm trees. It is both the state tree of North Dakota and Massachusetts.
  • Height/spread:The shade tree is tall with a vase-shaped canopy. It can grow to 60-90 feet tall.
  • SunlightThe American Elm Tree likes full sun.
  • Pruning at its best:These trees should not be pruned between April and July as they could attract the Dutch Elm Beetle. Pruning them in winter or early spring is a good idea to avoid the beginning of the growing season.
  • Potential threats:American elms were planted widely in the 19th century. This allowed Dutch elm disease to spread. However, there are many newer cultivars that are resistant to diseases, such as ‘Valley Forge, ‘Princeton, and ‘New Harmony.


  • Grow ZonesZones 5-9 are the best areas for the Chinese Elm Tree with its distinctive exfoliating bark, rounded shape and exceptional location.
  • Height/spread:The vase-shaped shape of this tree is similar to American Elm. Although it can grow to 40-50 feet tall, most landscape specimens are between 15-20-20 feet. This Elm species has smaller leaves than American Elm.
  • SunlightThe Chinese elm is fond of full sun. Although it can be adapted to almost any soil type, the Chinese Elm prefers well-drained, moist environments.
  • Pruning at its best:The tree should be pruned in the late dormancy, when it is ready for growth.
  • Potential threats:Wood rot can be a serious problem if these trees are not planted in the right conditions.


  • Grow ZonesUSDA zones 6-9 are best for cedar elms. It is not related to cedar trees in any way. However, USDA zones 6 through 9 are preferred by the cedar elm.
  • Height/spread:Cedar elms can reach a height between 50 and 70 feet. This species of Elm is smaller in stature.
  • SunlightThese trees are happy in full sunlight.
  • Pruning at its best:Prune your cedar elm in late spring or early summer.
  • Potential threats:The Dutch elm disease is not as prevalent in cedar elms as in American elms. This tree is tolerant to drought, pollution, poor soil, and other environmental conditions.


Although it is not something you would like to see, you should know what a dead Elm tree looks like so that you can determine if your tree is healthy or unhealthy.

Watch out for signs that your elm is suffering from a lack of leaves. Elms may have fewer leaves or branches.

Next, look at the bark. Elm trees can split or crack from their bark, or even disappear chunks.

There may be fungi visible on the tree’s trunk.

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