5 Facts About Search Engine Optimization
SEO orSearch Engine OptimizationSEO refers to the process of ranking your site on Google. Businesses in Connecticut need SEO. Many people don’t know why. These are just a few examples.5 facts about SEO you can!
1 Top 5 URLs from search engine results receive 75% clicks
The SEO company that brought you to page 1 wants to negotiate the price.
2 Google holds 65-75% market share
Think about it. When was the last occasion you heard someone say “bing”? There are many search engines that offer less advertising. Google’s new Google Pixel phone is becoming more popular. However, they are only increasing their market share in search engine search engines.
3) Between 70 and 80% of users ignore paid advertisements
Have you ever tried to find personal trainers in your area?
4) 75% of people don’t scroll beyond the first page when they search for information.
“Where is the best place to hide a dead body?” This is one of the most common internet marketing jokes. The second Google Page!
5) were converted to mobile devices at 15X (15X). )). More from Search than Social MEda
15 times.